
15.8. Removal and installation of an accumulator / dehydrator of the air conditioning system

The accumulator/dehydrator is located behind the right head headlight

1 — the Switch of high pressure
2 — Refrigerator lines
3 — the Switch of low pressure
4 — the Electric socket

As work with system is potentially dangerous, we strongly recommend to provide all works connected with the air conditioning system, to dealer office of the BMW service or the specialist in conditioners. At least, do not remove any components of system (hoses, the compressor, nipple connections, etc.) to a full discharge of system the qualified specialist. Read about precautionary measures at the beginning of the Section Service of the Conditioner and Precautionary Measure.



  1. Make a discharge of the air conditioning system (see the Prevention above).
  2. Disconnect a negative wire of the battery.

If the radio receiver of your car is equipped with system of protection against theft, make sure that you gathered the correct code before a battery detachment.

If after connection of the battery of an inscription on an instrument guard appeared not in that language, address the Section System of protection of the audio system against theft and language of an instrument guard where the procedure of installation of the necessary language is described.

  1. Remove the windshield washer tank.
  2. Disconnect the electric socket (sockets) from an accumulator/dehydrator - pay attention that not all models have switches of both high, and low pressure.
  3. Disconnect lines of coolant from an accumulator/dehydrator.
  4. Zakuporte open unions to prevent hit of dirt and moisture.
  5. Give fixing screws and remove an accumulator/dehydrator.


If you install the new accumulator / dehydrator, then it is possible, it will be required to add a quantity of refrigerator oil - in this case follow instructions of the manufacturer.


  1. Remove old sealing rings from refrigerator lines and establish new. It should be made irrespective of the fact which the accumulator/dehydrator is established.
  2. If you install the new accumulator / dehydrator, remove pressure switches from the old block and put them on new before its installation. Not all models are equipped with switches of both low, and high pressure.
  3. Oil sealing rings refrigerator before installation.
  4. You make installation upside-down, but do not forget to oil sealing rings refrigerator before connection of unions.
  5. Make depletion, charging and check of system on existence of leaks by means of the same qualified specialist who made its discharge.