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16. System of onboard electric equipment

General information

Electric system of this car - twelve-volt, with a negative wire of grounding. Energy to lighting and other electric devices arrives from the lead-acid rechargeable battery which is charged with the generator.

In this Chapter procedures of repair and service of various electric components are described.

To prevent short circuits in chains, ignitions and possible injuries, before check, repair or replacement of electric components always disconnect a negative wire of the battery.

If the radio receiver on your car is equipped with system of protection against theft, make sure that you gathered the correct code before disconnecting a battery wire. Apply for information in the Section System of Protection of the Audio System from theft and language of an instrument guard before a wire detachment.

If after accession of a wire on your instrument guard there were inscriptions not in that language which is necessary to you, address the Section System of protection of the audio system against theft and language of an instrument guard where the procedure of installation of the necessary language is described.