
15.6. Removal and installation of the motor of the supercharger of the conditioner (E28 / "retro" model)

Address the Section Removal, check of work and installation of a heater and the conditioner of air for information on the E34 models with a modern body.

If the radio receiver of your car is equipped with system of protection against theft, make sure that you gathered the correct code before a battery detachment.

If after connection of the battery of an inscription on an instrument guard appeared not in that language, address the Section System of protection of the audio system against theft and language of an instrument guard where the procedure of installation of the necessary language is described.



  1. Disconnect a negative wire of the battery.
  2. Remove the central console (see the Head Kuzov).
  3. Disconnect the electric socket of the motor of the supercharger from the motor.
  4. Otboltite of a support of the motor of the supercharger from the main casing.
  5. Remove assembly of the motor of the supercharger of the conditioner. It is possible to check operation of the motor, following the procedure described in the Section Removal, check of work and installation of a heater and the conditioner of air.


You make installation upside-down