
9.1.7. Diagnostics of malfunctions of manual transmission

Symptom Possible reason
Vibrations take place The driveshaft is damaged (see the Head the Transmission line).
Ovality of tires takes place (see the Head Routine maintenance of the car).
Balancing of wheels is broken (see Chapters Routine maintenance of the car and Steering).
The universal hinge of the driveshaft is worn-out (see the Head the Transmission line).
The transmission established on neutral transfer makes foreign sounds at the working engine The release bearing of coupling is worn-out (see the Head Stsepleniye).
The bearing of a main shaft of the transmission is worn-out (see the Head the Manual Box of Gear Shifting (MBGS)).
Transmission publishes extraneous noises only on one of transfers The gear wheels which are in continuous gearing are damaged or worn-out.
Synchronizers are damaged or worn-out.
Transmission publishes extraneous noises on all transfers Level of the greasing liquid fell (see the Head Routine maintenance of the car).
Bearings are damaged or worn-out.
The main shaft and/or secondary shaft is damaged or worn-out.
The box "comes off" the chosen transfer Draft of the mechanism of gear shifting is worn-out, or its adjustment is broken (see the Head the Manual Box of Gear Shifting (MBGS)).
Bolts of fastening of transmission to the engine weakened (see the Head the Manual Box of Gear Shifting (MBGS)).
Draft of switching is jammed (see the Head the Manual Box of Gear Shifting (MBGS)). The switching fork is worn-out (see the Head the Manual Box of Gear Shifting (MBGS)).
Leak of gearbox oil takes place In the transmission a lot of gearbox oil is filled in excessively (see Chapters Routine maintenance of the car and the Manual Box of Gear Shifting (MBGS)).
The holder of the bearing of a main shaft is damaged, or its fastening weakened (see the Head the Manual Box of Gear Shifting (MBGS)).
The sealing ring of the holder of the bearing of a main shaft and/or sponge of an epiploon is damaged (see the Head the Manual Box of Gear Shifting (MBGS)).