
13.14.2. Care of a body and frame

The general condition of a body of the car is a factor which significantly influences its selling cost. Care of a body does not make big work, but it has to be regular. The neglect leaving, especially after insignificant damages, can lead to bystry further deterioration in a condition of a body and increase in accounts for repair. It is also important to pay attention to invisible elements of a body of the car, such as its bottom, internal surfaces of wheel arches and lower elements of a motive compartment.

The main procedure for care of a body of the car is its sink, preferably plentiful amount of water from a hose. The strong stream of water deletes the hardened dirt lumps which stuck to it from a car body surface. Removal of the stuck firm particles and grains of sand thus is the important requirement allowing to avoid a polishing otsarapyvaniye when rubbing of the painted surfaces. Washing off of the accumulated dirt from an internal surface of arches of wheels and from the bottom of the car is necessary in view of the fact that the thick layer of dirt has ability to hold moisture that leads to education and bystry development of corrosion. As it is paradoxical, the best time for cleaning of arches of wheels and the bottom is damp weather when the stuck dirt is well humidified and softened. During very wet weather the bottom of the car is usually cleared of big congestions of dirt automatically, and this time is the most successful for its survey.

It is periodically recommended to make full steam cleaning of the bottom of the car, including a motive compartment (except cars with a bottom sheeting on the basis of wax), for the purpose of the subsequent carrying out careful survey and determination of the amount of necessary small repair and recovery procedures. Carrying out steam cleaning is possible in most automobile repair shops at car repair shops, and it is necessary for removal of oil and the eaten soot, in some places reaching considerable thickness. In the absence of an opportunity to purge steam can use always the degreasing solvents which are available on sale magnificent which are the best of all for putting with a brush; then the softened and dissolved dirt easily can be removed with a water stream from a hose. Pay attention that these methods cannot be used on the cars having a bottom sheeting on the basis of wax, or this covering has to be previously removed. It is necessary to examine such cars annually, it is desirable on the eve of a winter season. The bottom it is necessary to wash up and restore all damages of a wax covering. Ideally it is necessary to apply a fresh covering on the bottom. It is worth thinking also of using a similar covering on the basis of wax for drawing on internal parts of door panels, body sections, etc. as additional protection against corrosion if that protection is not provided with the producer of the car.

After washing off of dirt from the painted surfaces carefully wipe them with a piece of suede, trying to obtain perfect purity and smoothness of a surface. Drawing a layer of protective wax polish will provide additional protection of paint against influence of the aggressive chemical ingredients which are contained in the atmosphere. During the tarnishing or oxidation of polishing it is possible to restore initial gloss by means of a cleaner combination with polish. For this purpose some effort will be required, but it is necessary to remember that such tarnishing is resulted usually by neglects the procedure of a regular wash of the car. When processing of the metallized surfaces observance of such precautionary measures as application of special bezabrazivny cleaners / polishes is required not to damage a brilliant surface. You watch that drain openings, trenches and tubes of apertures of doors and air vents always were pure and provided a free drain of water. Metal finishing has to be exposed to the same processing, as well as the painted surfaces. Glasses of wind and side windows can be purified of the fatty film which is often arising on them by means of special cleaners for glass. Do not try to use the wax or any other polishes intended for processing of elements of a body or the chromeplated details for polishing of glasses at all.