
2.1.16. Check of a state and replacement of support of the power unit

Support of the power unit seldom require to themselves attention, the broken or worn-out support should be replaced immediately, otherwise the additional loads of components of the transmission line arising in this case will result in their intensive wear and an exit of their system.

Check of a state


  1. During check the power unit should be raised slightly for removal of its weight from support.
  2. The car and reliably establish to Poddomkratta it on axial support, then get a jack under the case pallet. Place big wooden whetstone between a head of a jack and the pallet, then carefully raise the power unit a jack, only so to remove its weight from support.

DO NOT GET any parts of the body under the engine supported only by means of a jack!

  1. Check rubber parts of support for existence of cracks, hardenings or peeling from metal components.
  1. Sometimes a rubber part breaks up directly on the center.
  1. Check whether arms of a support and elements of the power unit and a body of the car move relatively each other (use the big screw-driver or mount for this purpose in quality of the lever). If the movement takes place, lower the engine and tighten fixing bolts or nuts.
  1. For reduction of wear by support it is necessary to put the special protecting means for rubber.
  1. On models with the M40 engine check a condition of dampers on each support, having removed them and having tried to squeeze and stretch.
  1. If at the same time the damper shows only very small resistance, it should be replaced.



  1. If you have to replace dampers on the M40 engine, just give bolts, then establish new dampers and tighten bolts.
  2. For replacement of support disconnect a negative wire of the battery, then the car and reliably establish to a poddomkratta it on axial support if you did not make it earlier any more.

If the radio receiver of your car is equipped with system of protection against theft, make sure that you gathered the correct code before a battery detachment.

If after connection of the battery of an inscription on an instrument guard appeared not in that language, address the Section System of Protection of the Audio System from theft and language of an instrument guard where the procedure of installation of the necessary language is described.

  1. Prop up the power unit as it is described in item 2.
  1. Give a big nut of fastening of an arm to a support (it is specified by an arrow).
  1. Slightly raise the engine, then give the lower nuts / bolts of fastening of a support to a stretcher and remove a support.
  2. You make installation of a support as it should be, the return to removal. For bigger reliability of tightening of nuts/bolts of support apply on them special carving sealant.