
2.1.11. Removal and installation of a head of cylinders



  1. Dump fuel pressure on all engines with system of injection of fuel (see the Head the Power supply system).
  2. Disconnect a negative wire of the battery. Where the battery is located in a motive compartment, it can be removed completely from the car (see the Head Sistem of ignition).

If the radio receiver of your car is equipped with system of protection against theft, make sure that you gathered the correct code before a battery detachment.

If after connection of the battery of an inscription on an instrument guard appeared not in that language, address the Section System of Protection of the Audio System from theft and language of an instrument guard where the procedure of installation of the necessary language is described.

  1. Remove assembly of the air cleaner (see the Head the Power supply system).
  2. Disconnect conducting from the ignition distributor (if necessary at first mark an arrangement of all wires) and VV a wire from the ignition coil (see the Head Sistem of ignition).
  3. Disconnect a wire from the cooler temperature sensor block (see the Head the Cooling system).
  4. Disconnect lines of supply of fuel from the fuel highway or the carburetor that is provided (see the Head the Power supply system).
  5. Merge the cooling system (see the Head the Cooling system).
  6. Accurately mark and then disconnect all other hoses from the case of a butterfly valve, the inlet pipeline, the carburetor and a head of cylinders that is provided.
  7. Disconnect a final collector from a head of cylinders (see the Section Removal and installation of a final collector). Depending on engine type, perhaps, you should not disconnect a collector from an exhaust pipe; however, on models with right-hand management an intermediate shaft the helmsman of a column can close access to screws of adjustment of gaps on a head of cylinders.
  8. Disconnect all remained hoses and tubes from the inlet pipeline, including vacuum tubes of an advancing of ignition, and also hoses of a heater and the cooling system.
  9. On early carburetor models disconnect conducting from the generator and a starter.
  10. Remove the inlet pipeline (see the Section Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline). Do not sort and do not remove any components of system of injection of fuel without emergency.
  11. Take off a driving belt of the fan and the fan (see the Head the Cooling system).
  12. Uncover a head of cylinders and its laying (see the Section Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders). Remove semicircular rubber consolidation from a forward part of a head of cylinders where it is not built in laying of a cover.
  13. Bring the piston No. 1 into the provision of VMT of a step of compression (see the Section Reduction of the Piston of the First Cylinder in the provision of the top dead point (TDP)).
  14. Take off a distributive belt or a chain (see the Section Removal, survey and installation of a distributive chain and asterisks of its natyazhitel or Replacement of forward epiploons).

If you want to save time on removal and installation of a distributive belt or a chain and redistribution of the engine, you can disconnect an asterisk of a cam-shaft and suspend it aside on a piece of a rope, without removing a chain or a belt. The rope has to leave a chain or a belt strong tense that they could not come off asterisks.

  1. Weaken bolts of a head of cylinders gradually, every time on a quarter of a turn, as it should be, the return to a tightening order (see a photo 6, 7, 8, or 9). On M10, M20 and M30 engines do not sort this time and do not remove assembly of a yoke.
  2. Remove a head of cylinders, having lifted it directly up from the block of cylinders. Do not push anything between a head of cylinders and the block of cylinders since it is possible to damage the condensing surfaces of laying. Instead place a stupid core in an entrance opening softly to release a head.
  3. Remove all remained external components from a head to have an opportunity carefully to clean it and to examine. The procedure of service of a head of cylinders is described regarding the Procedure of capital repairs of components of the engine. On M40 engines remove a rubber sealing ring from a flute in the top part of a casing of the oil pump / lobby of a cover.



  1. At installation of a head of cylinders the interfaced surfaces of a head and the block of cylinders have to be absolutely pure.
  2. Use a scraper to remove all traces of coal and material of old laying, then clear the interfaced surfaces suitable solvent. If at installation of a head on the interfaced surfaces there is an oil, laying will not perform properly consolidation function, and there can be leaks. Working with the block of cylinders, fill cylinders pure rags to prevent hit of dirt in them. Delete the remains of materials which got to cylinders by means of the vacuum cleaner.
  3. Check the interfaced surfaces of a head and the block for existence of jags, deep scratches and other damages. If damages insignificant, them it is possible to liquidate by means of a file; if they are rather serious, then only machining can correct them.
  4. Tap of the suitable size walk on a carving in openings of bolts of a head, then clean openings compressed air - make sure that in openings nothing remained (including oil, water, etc.).
  1. Experts of BMW recommend to replace head bolts, but if all of you use old bolts, clamp each their them in a vice and walk on it a lerka. To remove traces of corrosion and to restore a carving. Dirt, corrosion, traces of sealant and the damaged carving influences indications of effort of tightening of bolts.
  1. If bolts or their carving are damaged, use new bolts.
  1. Install all components removed from a head before its cleaning and survey. On M40 engines establish a new sealing ring in a flute in the top part of a casing of the oil pump / lobby of a cover.
  1. Make sure that the sealing surfaces of laying between the block of cylinders and a head pure and fat-free. Install laying of a head on the block by the party specified by the producer up (usually on it "UP", "OPEN" or something similar is written). Use adjusting pins in the top part of the block correctly to place laying.
  1. Carefully install a head of cylinders on the block. Use the directing pins for the correct alignment.
  1. On models where the engine is slightly inclined (for example, the M40 engine), you can be helped by installation of the directing cores for more exact alignment of provision of a head on the block. Use for this purpose two old bolts of a head which are screwed in there and back the block. Cut off heads of bolts and a hacksaw make cuts in their tops that after installation of a head of cylinders they could be removed.
  1. Spread bolts of a head of cylinders.
  1. Tighten head bolts in the sequence provided below with the required effort.
The sequence of TIGHTENING of bolts of a head of cylinders for four-cylinder M10 engines.
The sequence of TIGHTENING of bolts of a head of cylinders for six-cylinder M20 engines.
The sequence of TIGHTENING of bolts of a head of cylinders for six-cylinder M30 engines.
The sequence of TIGHTENING of bolts of a head of cylinders for four-cylinder M40 engines.
  1. Pay attention that on some engines the final stage of tightening occurs after the engine run.
  1. You make the rest of installation as it should be, the return to removal. On M10, M20 and M30 engines before installation of a cover of a head of cylinders adjust gaps of valves (see the Head Routine maintenance of the car) - double-check them after warming up of the engine. Start the engine and check whether there are no leaks.