
17.4. General information on control

The term "control" is used in this manual rather for designation of a complex of procedures, than one separate procedure.

If from the moment of purchase of the car the schedule of routine maintenance is strictly observed, frequent inspections of level of liquids and a state subject to the increased wear of components will be carried out as it is offered in this manual, the engine will long remain in the good working condition, and need for carrying out any additional work will be minimized.

Is more often, however, happens so that the engine works inefficiently owing to neglect with regular service. Even more often it happens upon purchase of the used car which owners did not trouble themselves frequent and regular checks and service. In this case, besides performance of ordinary procedures for routine maintenance, it will be necessary to make setup of the engine.

The first step in any procedure of control or diagnostics for the purpose of improvement of operation of the engine is check of extent of compression in cylinders. Check of extent of compression (see the Part of the Procedure of capital repairs of components of the engine) will help to define a condition of internal components of the engine and has to serve as the index when carrying out control and repair. If, for example, check of extent of compression indicates serious internal wear of the engine, usual control will not help to improve its work and will be waste of time and money. As the procedure of check of extent of compression is extremely important, the expert owning the equipment which is specially intended for this purpose has to see off it.

Reduction of the engine in the good working condition most often requires performance of the following procedures.

Minimum control

General setting

All listed above points of the minimum control, plus...

Weekly checks

Identification of the reasons of leaks

Emergence of pools on a floor of a garage or on an access path, obvious traces of moisture under a cowl or under the car demand conducting investigation of the reasons of possible leak of liquids. It is sometimes difficult to define a leak source, especially at considerable pollution of a motive compartment. Besides, the following oil or liquid can be carried by the running air stream from a leak source back, making a false impression about its location.

The most part of the oils and liquids used in the car are poisonous. Immediately wash away them at hit on skin and immediately replace the polluted clothes.

The smell of the following liquid can serve as a key to identification of what follows. Some liquids have characteristic coloring. Also such way of detection of the place of leak can help: carefully clean the car and park it for the night, having established on the clean sheet of paper. Remember that some leaks happen only at the working engine.

Oil from the case pallet

Motive oil can leak through a drain stopper of the pallet of a case...

Oil from an oil filter

... or from under the basis of an oil filter.

Oil from the transmission

Gearbox oil can leak through epiploons on the internal ends of power shafts


The following antifreeze often leaves kristalloobrazny deposits.

Brake fluid

Leaks in the field of wheels almost for certain mean leak of brake fluid.

Liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel

Hydraulic liquid can leak through nipple connections on a case of the steering mechanism.