
17:16. Check and replacement of candle VV of wires, cover and runner of the distributor

Annually or each 20 000 km of a run

Check of a condition of candle VV of wires has to be made regularly through the recommended intervals and every time when replacing spark plugs.

Begin this procedure with external survey of wires at the working engine. In the darkened garage (track that indoors there was a good ventilation) start the engine and attentively examine each wire. Try not to touch moving parts of the engine. In the presence of break the wire will spark in the place of damage. In this case replace wires, then let's the engine cool down.


  1. Disconnect a negative wire of the battery.

If the radio receiver of your car is equipped with system of protection against theft, make sure that you gathered the correct code before a battery detachment.

If after connection of the battery of an inscription on an instrument guard appeared not in that language, address the Section System of Protection of the Audio System from theft and language of an instrument guard where the procedure of installation of the necessary language is described.

  1. In order to avoid confusion at installation check of VV of wires should be made serially.
  2. Disconnect VV a wire from a spark plug. Do not pull for a wire, only and I will corrode.
  3. Examine an internal part of the socket on existence of corrosion which has an appearance of white friable powder. Connect a wire with the socket to a spark plug shaft. The socket has to hardly network on a shaft. If it does not manage to be reached, again remove a wire and correct flat-nose pliers position of the plug in the socket.
  4. Wipe with pure rags wires outside on all length, deleting from them the stuck dirt and lubricant. After cleaning check a wire for existence of traces of progar, cracks and other damages. Do not bend a wire under acute angles since it can lead to a fiasco of the conductor.
  5. Disconnect VV a wire from the distributor. Do not forget to pull only for the socket. Check it for existence of corrosion and connect in the same way, as well as a spark plug wire. If necessary replace a distributor wire.
  6. Check other wires of spark plugs, and after check make sure that each of them is reliably attached to the distributor and a candle.
  7. If candle wires demand replacement, buy a set of wires which is specially intended for your model of the engine. Wires of the necessary length and with the installed sockets enter sets. Remove and replace wire VV on one not to allow confusion in an operating procedure of cylinders at their installation.
  1. Weaken screws or open clips, then uncover the distributor.
  1. Give screws (if they are available) and remove the runner from a shaft.
  1. Check a cover and the runner of the distributor for existence of signs of wear, cracks, coal traces and the worn-out, burned slightly or weakened contacts. At detection of defects replace a cover or the runner.

On an illustration some of widespread defects of a cover of the distributor to which it is necessary to pay attention at survey are shown above

  1. Usually the cover and the runner can be replaced every time when replacing candle wires. At installation of a new cover on one disconnect wire VV from an old cover and connect them to new in just the same order - never disconnect all wires at the same time in order to avoid confusion in an operating procedure of cylinders at their installation.

The lever of the runner should be checked for wear and corrosion, as shown in the drawing above (if there are doubts concerning its state, buy the new runner)